domingo, 13 de maio de 2012

constellar deck list

constellar pollux
constellar acubens
constellar hawwa
constellar gredi
constellar antares
constellar esca
constellar kaust
constellar leonis
constellar debaran
constellar pollux
constellar rescha
constellar schet
constellar sheratan
card trooper
book of moon
monster reborn
pot of avarice
day of peace
pot of duelity
dark hole
constellar super-rebirth
constellar belt
constellar starsign
heavy storm
mystical space Typhoon
monster reincarnation
lightning vortex
negate atack
mirror force
mirror mail
magic cilinder
dimensional prison
dimensional wall
starlight road
wall of revealing light
call of the haunted
constellar shooting star
solenm judgment
(extra deck)
por conta propria

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